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welcome to smile avenue the dental care people

the first appointment is a two-way process in which we find out your concerns about your mouth.

  • We will carry out an extensive examination using an intra oral camera and take x-rays where necessary.
  • We will give a simple scale so surfaces are free of calculus and plaque. This gives you a head start at keeping optimal hygiene and aids diagnosis. If you need further hygiene treatment we will advise and it may be possible on the same day
  • We then discuss our findings with you and design a treatment plan including summary of cost & treatment schedule, tailored to your specific interest according to your budgets. So we assess where you are now, explain what needs to be done, and discuss the best way to do it.
  • We provide you with all pre and post treatment information and involve you in all treatment decisions.
  • Whether you need pain relief, a crown recemented, temporary filling placed, teeth whitened or a radical improvement in your smile with cosmetic dentistry, once the options are carefully discussed, the treatment can often be started on the same visit or the next visit at your convenience!

Please fill the form for your Appoinments
* Name of Patient: 
* Phone/Mobile: 
* Date of Appoinment :     (dd/mm/yyyy)
*Preferred Timing :   hrs  min 
* Nature of Disease : 
* Additional Query : 
*  Enter Code :  Preigo